Being women in the men dominated world is not the simple thing, especially when the crime against women is on rising in our country. This is the story of a determined lady who despite being the single mother took the responsibility of her three-year-old daughter and faced all the challenges alone.
According to Namitha Naiyar, she separated from her husband when my daughter was a little over three years old. “I moved, found a new job in a radio station, and began to find my bearings as a single parent. It was not an easy task to be a single mother, it has its own challenges,” says Namitha.
My daughter was an active child, always cheerful and on her feet. Suddenly, on her eighth birthday, she fell ill and doctors said her hemoglobin level was very low. They thought it was jaundice, but things just kept getting worse. She was not able to move. Finally, I admitted her to a hospital, and doctors said she had a rare disease called Wilson’s Disease and needed a liver transplant. I had never even heard of liver transplants before.
The first choice for a donor is always the biological parents, especially the father. For the sake of my child, I reached out my ex-husband but the results showed fatty liver. The next choice was me. I have always been scared of needles and fainted when they wanted to check the blood group.But it was nothing in front of my daughter’s pain.
I was angry and overwhelmed by questions. What had I done wrong? Why should my daughter have to face this? Yet, when the time came, I mustered the strength and passed all the tests there were – both physical and mental. Today she is fourteen and has diet restrictions and knows the seriousness of it, but she is back on her feet.

After the operation, the tide changed in my favor. I got a new job, moved to Dubai. Prior to this, I had never traveled abroad and I didn’t have a passport. The journey was overwhelming. My daughter joined me in six months. It has been 4 years and life is beautiful.
I am working hard to give her the best. Recently we went to Manchester together and soaked in the shared love for travel and photography. I want my daughter to be a good person; independent and kind and my daughter wants me to marry before she turns seventeen!
Namitha Naiyar
IMAGE CREDITS: Shinihas Aboo