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There was a time when the only guide used to show us the way but soon the human was replaced
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There was a time when the only guide used to show us the way but soon the human was replaced by the Google and GPS became the lifeline of the people traveling across the world. But soon the GPS will be replaced by more intelligent and fast-paced VPS (Visual Positioning System) and the doors to unlimited possibilities will be opened in front of you. Now, what is this VPS and how it is going to replace the GPS lets take a look into it in this article… 

In today’s technological world of wonders, there are many facilities made available for the comfort of people. One such useful technology created by Google is Global Positioning system; in short what we use and call as the GPS. This facility is utilized for many purposes for e.g.; used as a tracking device for investigations and a help in daily life to find the right directions to places.

According to the technical definition, GPS is an abbreviation that basically means gallons per second. In simple terms, the Global Positioning System is a network of satellites which can be used to locate vehicles and people.


However, even after the powerful invention created, people still linger around with confusion while using the GPS. We have all come across difficult times with the GPS facility, at one point it implements to show a particular required direction, but all of a sudden it changes with a sudden small flicker. For instance; The GPS announces- “Head south on Market Street”. The problem that we all face here is that we don’t know clearly where is south! Especially in places where there are numerous routes and lanes.

What if there was a way out?

In order to make things easier, a new development in progress will be the new face of GPS. Google Maps has introduced VPS -Visual Positioning System. The camera will identify your surroundings and you can visually communicate your route right in front of your eyes.

At a Google I/O talk, Aparna Chennapragada spoke of the continuous trouble faced while using the GPS. When we use our basic instinct and look at the blue dot on the phone immediately, we begin walking in the same direction where the blue dot is pointing at, but the blue dot doesn’t move, so what do we do? We start turning the other way around and the confusion goes on…

Hence, for this existing problem the ‘Visual Positioning System’ will soon be a huge help to numerous around.

According to ‘ars Technica’, Chennapragada informed the I/O crowd that the VPS  will be able to estimate precise positioning and orientation based on the images gathered by a user’s smartphone.

Google I/O revealed a few features of the VPS technology. Let us see further below.

How does the VPS work?

  • The VPS uses your phone’s camera and Google’s extensive back-end data to analyze your surroundings to identify where you are with greater accuracy.
  • Tap a button to activate the visual view
  • Then point your camera where you need to go to see relevant info
  • You will see your surroundings with an overlay of Maps information for nearby business
  • There will be arrows pointing at you in the direction you need to go.
  • At the bottom, a small map to remind you where you’re headed will be provided
  • According to ‘Android Authority’,  there could be a possibility of putting a character on the screen as an augmented reality tour guide. For e.g. – a little fox.

The date of launching this new feature hasn’t been confirmed yet, but a lot of people seem to be excited about the new technology. It will benefit a lot of people around the world. Thus, all we need to do is waiting until the feature has been finalized.

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